
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก กันยายน, 2021

Ice Hockey Slideboard Dryland Workouts

  Ice hockey is one of the most popular sports played in the US. It is the most challenging of sports to learn since players have to learn to skate on ice. Learning the fundamentals of ice skating, i.e. skating forward, stopping, and turning in both directions will help learn how to play ice hockey. Ice hockey is a rough game. Players will take a number of falls and bumps on hard ice during a match. Normally, this would cause a lot of injuries, broken bones, sprained muscles, etc. However, with the right kind and quality of Ice Hockey Equipment, injuries can be controlled largely. slotxo General equipment consists of the Ice Hockey Sticks. Originally made from wood and metals, hockey sticks of today are made of carbon fiber and graphite to ensure flexibility and long lasting quality. They are available in several sizes and shapes and the shaft and blade can be purchased according to the player’s choice. Gloves are usually of two types: blocking glove for puck deflection and catchin...